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Killing warthogs costs poacher K1m court fine

warthogs (file photo) warthogs (file photo)

A magistrate in Chikwawa district in Malawi has ordered a man to pay a fine of K1m or in default go to jail for two years for killing two warthogs in a game reserve.

First Grade Magistrate Chilundu has on Tuesday November 11 found Frank Kanyerere guilty of killing protected species of wildlife without license.

Complainant James Kamtsokota from Majete Wildlife Reserve representing the Malawi government told the court Kanyerere killed the two warthogs around the buffer zone of Majete wildlife Reserve without a permit from National Parks and Wildlife.

The verdict is coming on a day four Chinese nationals have been arrested in Mangochi for allegedly stealing a protected fish species in Lake Malawi.

And again, another group of wildlife crime convicts awaits sentencing in another court case in the Lilongwe magistrates court.

Read 3289 times

Last modified on Wednesday, 20/11/2019

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