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GPS Helps South Africa Trace Stolen Vehicle in Malawi

Using a GPS tracking system, South African Jaco Visser, has traced his two tone vehicle stolen in Cape Town last month and successfully recovered it.

The vehicle was found in Dedza district in Malawi with a person the thieves sold.

The GPS tracking system directed Visser to a certain house at Mandala area in Dedza where the vehicle, which is now at Dedza Police Station, was found.

Visser told Zodiak Online he bought the at 400 thousand rands hence his decision to follow it.

“Some people hired the vehicle this year but it was not returned then later we discovered that it was stolen. 

“Using GPS system we discovered that the vehicle was in Dedza and I was forced to book a flight to come to Malawi,” Visser said.

With the help of the South African embassy and police in Lilongwe he was able to go to Dedza where he recovered his vehicle. 

Read 4981 times

Last modified on Saturday, 23/11/2019

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