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Ben Phiri Back in Witness Box for Re-examination

DPP Director of Elections Dr. Ben Phiri this morning continues to respond to questions from lawyers for President Peter Mutharika in re-examination.Phiri, this morning, told the court that some party monitors left the tally centres in excitement or anger for either thinking they were winning the election or losing respectively.This, he told the court, is why roving monitors were expected to present themselves as recommended by the Malawi Electoral Commission-MEC.The re-examination, which begun yesterday, is expected to last for the next two hours when they next, and last, witness for the DPP, Bob Chimkango, is expected to take the witness box in cross-examination by lawyers for UTM president Dr. Saulos Chilima and those for MCP president Dr. Lazarus Chakwera. The process will be followed by re-examination. Phiri has told the court that tipex used during the elections was meant to make corrections and 'significantly was used at polling station to put proper figures' calculated. He says to back his position, there is no election monitor, before the court, who has disputed the election results.

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