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LL City Council Orders Temporary Closure of Central Poultry & Wakawaka Market

The Lilongwe City Council led by the city's mayor Richard Banda has moved in to force temporary closure of some facilities due to poor sanitation.

Among these are Wakawaka market and Central Poultry limited. The mayor Banda says the situation if left unchecked could have fueled the increase in number of Cholera cases the city is facing.

Council officials were today conducting sanitation inspection tour, as the city is one of the most affected areas with Cholera in the country.

Meanwhile, the Society of Medical Doctors in Malawi thinks little has been done in investing in preventive measures of cholera.

The Society’s Secretary General, Dr. Parth Patel says the epidemic could be contained if all stakeholders collaborated to tame the further spread of the disease which has affected several quarters of the country.

Read 2659 times

Last modified on Tuesday, 03/01/2023

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