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MEC's Alfandika in "Sweaty" Court Grill

Chief Elections Officer Sam Alufandika was Thursday afternoon taken to task, over suspected electoral anomalies during cross examination conducted by Lawyer for Dr. Saulos Chilima , Marshal Chilenga,  in the ongoing presidential election case.
CEO Alufandika who is a Witness for the Malawi Electoral Commission, read in court a number of paragraphs from an election report produced by a firm which was hired to offer audit services, during the May election. 
One of the paragraphs says only 60 Percent of results sheets were verified by Auditors while 24 percent were tippexed. 
Alufandika, told the court the electoral body   advised the Auditors through a written communication, that they should approve tippexed results sheets. 
He said the communication was made after the Auditors had refused to approve the results sheets.
The MEC CEO, also told court that some results were approved by Commissioners before being certified by Auditors. 
But the MEC Witness said the court findings of the report reveled anomalies  different from those taken to court by Petitioners in the case.
Later,  another Lawyer for Dr Chilima,  Bright Theu took the floor ,cross- examining Alufandika on the management of the presidential results. 
There were questions on recording of data, to which Alufandika admitted data entry   was  incorrect , in some cases. 
At one point,  hearing of the case was adjourned for about 15 minutes, for the witness  to rest , after an observation that he was sweating while giving testimony.
Lawyer for Dr Chilima Bright Theu said he is satisfied with the cross examination. 
"It surprised us to observe that the Chief Elections Officer seem to be not conversant with some elements of the electoral process, " Said Theu. 
On the other hand,  Attorney General Kalekeni Kaphale , said re - examination shall give his side chance to be heard on Alufandikas'  evidence. 
"Wait for re-examination,  you shall hear our side ," He said. 
Friday morning Lawyers for Dr. Lazarus Chakwera will  cross examine Alufandika.
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