Unemployed Health Workers Give Govt. Ultimatum

Unemployed doctors, nurses and clinicians have given government a two day- ultimatum to respond to their grievances failing which they threaten holding vigils in the country’s three cities.

The unemployed health workers, on Friday, held peaceful street protests in most districts of the country including the cities of Mzuzu, Lilongwe and Blantyre.

Treasurer of the group of unemployed nurses and midwives, Steve Nyirenda, says they expect nothing short of official assurance of employment.

“We expect government to respond failing which we will come back on Monday and will not tire until they respond to our wishes,” he said.

Spokesperson for the Ministry of Health, Joshua Malango, says government has put aside some funds in the budget for recruitment of health workers including the aggrieved.

“There are resources which government has for recruitment of health workers,” Malango added.

However, a newspaper the same week quoted Chief of Health Services, Dr. Charles Mwansambo, as saying government was under no obligation to hire them nurses saying they recruit based on vacancies and available resources. 

The ministry has a vacancy rate around 34%.There are over 3000 health workers looking for permanent jobs. 


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