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ConCourt Reconvenes for Alfandika Re-Examination

The constitutional court reconvenes this morning when lawyers for the Malawi Electoral Commission are expected to finalise re-examination of MEC witness Sam Alfandika.

In re-examination, lawyers for MEC would like to get Alfandika justify actions he took during the 2019 elections which lawyers for the UTM and MCP presented to the court in cross-examination as evidence of electoral mismanagement.

Yesterday the court rejected a request by MEC to use original election documents as part of re-examination of Alfandika in the presidential election case on the basis that MEC failed to present to the same court originals of documents they had been ordered to make available.

MCP lawyer Modecai Msisha observed to the court that it was, therefore, ironic that suddenly, MEC should be bringing to court original documents on some information.

The court said using the documents was unfair and tantamount to trial ambush.

The MCP had also objected to this on grounds that the documents were not in the initial sworn statements.

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