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Catholic Bishops Prepare Flock on ConCourt Out-come

Malawi Catholic bishops say as citizens await the court ruling on the presidential election case, the country faces serious threats to peace and unity.

The bishops, through the Episcopal Conference of Malawi, have said this in a statement to their flock 'and people of good will...'.

“We all have the duty and responsibility to promote peace and unity. We, therefore, call upon all the citizens of this country to respect and uphold the rule of law so that all can peacefully co-exist.

“'In the event that the court ruling does not go in your favour, accept it or challenge the outcome through peaceful and constitutional mechanisms,'' reads part of the statement.

It further calls on all to desist from violence or harassment aimed at instilling fear in others.

The statement has been issued at the start of Advent when Catholics prepare the coming of Jesus Christ leading to Christmas.

“... we condemn in the strongest terms the violence, in all its forms and manifestations that continues to take place in some parts of the country. We denounce this injustice, often based on political, regional and tribal lines, that is being perpetrated on innocent people and their property.

“Violence is evil and unacceptable. It is contrary to the human rights and freedoms which we fought for when we chose multiparty system of government,'' state the bishops.

The Constitutional court is expected to finish hearing witness testimonies this Friday, December 6th to begin the journey of getting lawyer submissions ahead of its verdict.

The matter came to court after the opposition UTM and Malawi Congress Party alleged gross mismanagement of the process by the Malawi Electoral Commission which, they argue, warrants a court order for fresh elections.

“As the entire nation awaits the court ruling, we call upon all citizens of this country to maintain peace, calm and unity. We also call for justice to prevail in this matter,'' the bishops say, making particular mention of need for people to desist from spreading 'sensational news in relation to this court case especially on social media that can easily stir up and bring about disquiet, anger and violence' among people.

The Church has since instructed its’ commissions and media houses to start seriously preparing people to accept the court ruling on the elections case.

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