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CR20 Workers Protest Unfair Dismissal in Nsanje

NSANJE, Malawi— Twenty-five workers at the China Railway 20 (CR20) company's Nyamithuthu Site in Nsanje protested their unfair dismissal on Monday morning, writes Cornelius Lupenga.

The workers, who were assigned to collect rails from Nyamula area late last week on Friday, did not unload the rails as it was already past their off-duty time, and the company does not offer overtime.

"We were shocked and surprised to be informed of our termination without being given any reasons," said Finias Chimombo, one of the disgruntled employees.

The workers demanded their dues immediately, but the CR20 official informed them that it could not be done. This led to the disgruntled employees denying company officials exit from the campus.

"Total chaos erupted as the disgruntled employees closed the main entrance from the office, thereby preventing the officials from leaving. We were demanding immediate payment of our dues," Chimombo stated.

According to the disgruntled worker, the Nyamithuthu Site Official contacted their headquarters at Mbenje Trading Centre to resolve the dispute. Additionally, they alleged that the management infringed upon their human rights.

Mtiza Msampha, a victim of human rights violations, claimed that he was injured in the leg by a stone thrown by an official.

"I had already completed my day's work and was waiting for the end of the shift, but the site official, finding me doing nothing, threw a stone at my leg," Msampha alleged.

A security guard, who preferred to remain anonymous, disclosed that only four guards were stationed at the Nyamithuthu Site, impacting their operations.

"We are forced to work for more than the agreed-upon eight hours without any overtime compensation," the security guard claimed.

When approached for comment, a China Railway 20 official identified only as Berthia neither confirmed nor denied the developments, stating that she could not comment on the matter.

In the meantime, the 25 disgruntled employees have been paid their dues before leaving the site.

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