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Free Mosquito Nets Coming to Malawi Households

BLANTYRE, Malawi - The government of Malawi through the National Malaria Control Program (NMCP) is expected to embark on a free mass mosquito net distribution exercise in all the districts in the country in October and November this year, writes Elita Nkalo of AfricaBrief.

John Sande, coordinator for malaria vaccine and case management at the program, said Monday the exercise aims to prevent and reduce the spread of malaria among Malawi's population. It is done every three years.

Sande disclosed the plans during a media and advocacy meeting organized by the Momentum Tiyeni Project in Blantyre.

He said the exercise, which will cost approximately $50 million, will be conducted with support from the Global Fund.

"This coming July the ministry of health through the National Malaria Control Program is expected to receive a grant amounting to $82 million to support the ministry to implement malaria control interventions, and from the money $50 million will be used for the mass net distribution exercise," Sande said.

According to Sande, if all goes as planned an electronic registration of the exercise will begin in August through September 2024.

During the last exercise in 2021, the government procured 9.2 million nets for all 29 districts but the campaign faced challenges due to delays by the manufacturer in supplying the nets.

That led to 5 districts receiving their nets in September last year.

"Our goal is to distribute nets to every household to help reduce the spread of this deadly disease," Sande said.

Read 1037 times

Last modified on Tuesday, 16/01/2024

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