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Court Adjourns Chisale’s Case

Principal Resident Magistrate Rodrick Michongwe has adjourned to a later date the intimidation and judiciary interference case involving Norman Chisale, body guard to former president Peter Mutharika.

On Tuesday, the state paraded its eleventh witness, Justice Minister Titus Mvalo, who testified against the accused's remarks in a television interview in which he allegedly called him "bullshit".

Lead defense counsel Gilbert Khonyongwa said his client wrote the minister a letter to have his accounts unfrozen for him to be able to access funds for paying schools fees, among other important transactions, to which he did not comply.

In response, Mvalo said he was not in a position to address such a matter as it was not in his power, and attacking him in public was not fair.

He went further to say it was unfair to call him a "bullshit" minister, as he has children, relatives and friends who look up to him as a model regardless of his portfolio.

Read 4501 times

Last modified on Wednesday, 13/03/2024

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