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Lightning Kills Five in Chikwawa in 24hrs

In under 24 hours in Chikwawa on Tuesday alone, lightning struck dead five people in separate incidents, a development authorities in the district are worried about.

Senior Chief Ngabu told Zodiak on Wednesday said that a woman from Khokhwa village has also been struck dead by lightning on her way home from hospital.

“We always want rains but when they start on such bad note, it brings a lot of grief.

“But all the same, I will be advising my people to follow weather updates and take good measures to avoid such untimely deaths,” said Ngabu.

Police spokesperson, Sargent Foster Benjamin, told us police have recorded deaths of three people struck by lightning at Mpinganjira village in Ngabu as they returned from working in the gardens.

“Two sisters and a four-year-old daughter have been killed by lightning at Ngabu,” said Benjamin.

Police say the three--Maria Zuze, 27, Falesi Balankinyu, 35, and the daughter were killed Tuesday.

Bodies were taken to Ngabu Rural Hospital where postmortem confirmed death by electrocution.


Police are advising people to stay indoors and avoiding  seeking shelter under trees when it rains.

Read 4608 times

Last modified on Wednesday, 11/12/2019

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