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Mulanje Mission Graduates over 100 Nurse-Midwives

At least 107 nurses and midwifery technicians have graduated with diplomas at Mulanje Mission College of Nursing.

The graduation took place on Saturday in Mulanje district.

Vice Chancellor of Blantyre CCAP Synod University- the mother University of Mulanje Mission College of Nursing Reverend Masauko Mbolembole said the diplomas are mere papers and their relevance will be recognized through their dedication to work.

"The church has a duty to promote health services in the country as it cannot preach to sick or unhealthy congregants,"Reverend Mbolembole who is also Blantyre CCAP synod moderator said.

Initially the graduation was scheduled to take place two months ago but according to the college’s vice Principal Mike Magwira, the dates coincided with licensure examinations and after weighing the two the management prioritized to prepare for the examinations.

"Let me applaud you for portraying discipline at the time you were at the college and I urge you to continue with this discipline in your various duty stations," said Magwira.

A special innovative recognition was offered to one of the graduates Patrick Makina who through a community health programme constructed a house for two aged brothers at Sitolo village in Mulanje district.

"The award I have received today will propel me to help ultra-poor people in a society I will be working," said Patrick. 

The smiles on the graduates’ faces were evident enough of the value their attached to their special day.


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