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Second Selection List; Expert Worried

An education expert has raised concern with an existent gender gap in the released list of second selection of Secondary School students who will report for Form 1 in various secondary schools across the country. 
The expert, Limbani Nsapato, argues that the gender gap is against the country’s efforts in empowering women and girls.
On Friday, the ministry of education released the second selection of primary school students, who have been selected to start Form 1 in public secondary schools across the country. 
A total of 17,831 students have been selected to various secondary schools.
According to a statement signed by the Minister of Education Dr William Susuwele Banda, out of the 17,831 students selected, 43.2% are girls and 56.8% are boys representing a 13% gender parity. 
However, the first form one selection had an almost equal gender representation with a just a 1% difference.
Nsapato says there is need to change selection policies so that issues of gender inequality are addressed.
"Our selection policy meeded to ensure that it minimizes the gender gap to ensure that we are more proactive in ensuring that the girl child has a higher chance of getting selected to national secondary schools," he said. 
According to the list, out of the 17,831 students in the current released list of second selection of secondary school students who will report for form 1 in various secondary schools, 125 students have been selected to national secondary schools, 3105 convention schools while 14,381 have been selected to community day secondary schools.
Second term for the 2019-2020 academic year begins on 6th January 2020. 
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