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Alinafe Mlamba

Alinafe Mlamba

The list of countries whose travelers will need to undergo 14 days quarantine on arrival in Malawi in the wake of the Corona Virus outbreak has now shot to 22 from 19.

New chairperson of the Malawi Human Rights Commission, Reverend Patrick Semphere, says the Malawi Police Service has to walk the talk with regards to defending the laws and rights of citizens by being professional and independent.

Malawi has named 19 countries whose travelers will be quarantined for 14 days upon arrival in the country in the wake of the Coronavirus.

The Malawi human rights commission has called upon the Malawi police service to be professional and independent.

The HUMAN Rights Defenders Coalition HRDC say they are dismayed with what transpired in parliament on Tuesday, when Parliamentary proceedings were abnormally adjourned due to what was said a security threat as a result of the Presence of the coalition’s leadership in the August House.

Social Commentator Rafiq Hajat, has questioned the creation of a new Ministry which will serve as the Ministry of Disaster management and Public events.

The Council for Non-Governmental Organizations in Malawi has bemoaned political interference in public procurement particularly in the Constituency Development Fund - CDF.

The Japanese government has provided a grant of 120 Million Kwacha to be implemented towards improving access to quality health and education services in Malawi.

Lion Jose Castro, a Brazilian Lion's Club member hopes to cross Africa walking on foot. He took off from Cape Town, South Africa and is now in Lilongwe, Malawi.


The Tobacco Commission-TC-is out encouraging tobacco growers not to rely on the leaf alone but diversify cropping in they are to yield profitable returns.


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