Standard Bank - BOL to Wallet

Christopher Sande

Christopher Sande

Some lead farmers and chiefs at Chapananga in Chikwawa have cited the poor condition of the Chapananga as the main barrier for them to access better markets for their farm produce.

Tremendous progress has been registered. Several new bridges have been constructed, roads rehabilitated, storage facilities equipped and farm and value addition equipment bought to support rural farmers in Malawi.

The Civil Society Advocacy Forum on HIV/Aids says combining HIV prevention measures can assist Malawi to curb new HIV infections that are currently hanging at around 15, 000 cases annually.

Encroachers are increasingly becoming arrogant. Our visit at Michiru Nature Sanctuary in Blantyre a few days ago revealed a worrisome trend.

People from surrounding areas, especially those from Mdala village, are fearlessly entering the protected area in groups of 30 to 50 people on almost a daily basis to plunder its resources.

One officer here told us that the people have resorted to moving in groups for them to easily overpower law enforcement personnel. While there, we noticed the merciless and numerous scars of wanton cutting down of trees.

Health authorities in Blantyre say enhancement of volunteer community initiatives in propagating health service delivery can assist Malawi to widen the immunization coverage among under five children.

Two organizations, Oxfam and Hygiene Village Project have indicated that great progress has been made to increase water systems and sanitation infrastructure in border districts in order to prevent the spread of cholera.

Gender and sexual minorities in Malawi say discrimination is a major factor making it hard for them to benefit from the government’s social protection programs after Cyclone Freddy devastated the southern region of the country in March 2023.

The Federation of Disability Organizations of Malawi (FEDOMA) has asked authorities to expedite the process of taking the newly passed Persons with Disabilities Bill, 2023, to the Office of the President for it to be assented to law.

It is all about hard work. As hundreds of Cyclone Freddy survivors are facing hunger, others at Makhuwira and Chiputula in Chikwawa are food secure after utilizing the post Cyclone Freddy moisture along the shire river to grow various crops.

A call has been made to Malawians to demonstrate responsibility in supporting needy children during the Christmas in order to reduce some challenges that they are experiencing.


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