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Gabriel Kamlomo

Gabriel Kamlomo

Only hours after President Peter Mutharika unveiled his new cabinet of 32 members, one senior appointee, former Speaker of Parliament Henry Chimunthu-Banda has turned down the appointment.

The Malawi Congress Party and the UTM have finally put pen to paper to an understanding on an electoral alliance leading to fresh presidential election as ordered by the constitutional court.

After weeks of candid political discussions between two political ideologies, leaders of the Malawi Congress Party and the UTM parties finally put pen to paper an understanding binding them to an electoral alliance ahead of fresh presidential election as ordered by the constitutional court.

The decision by President Peter Mutharika to withhold assent to recently passed electoral reforms bills has sparked a national discourse as the country prepares for fresh elections following the February orders of the Constitutional Court in the presidential election case.

Chairperson of the Sadc Organ on Politics, Defense and Security Cooperation, Zimbabwe President, Emmerson Mnangagwa has commended parties involved in the election petition in Namibia for channeling electoral disputes through established legal mechanisms.

Chairperson of the Malawi Electoral Commission, Dr. Jane Ansah, and her eight other commissioners are expected to appear before the Public Appointment Committee of Parliament on Monday as the committee begins responding to recent orders of the Constitutional Court in the unprecedented ruling of the presidential election case.

The Malawi Electoral Commission-MEC-and President Peter Mutharika have filed applications asking the courts to order that effect of the recent ruling of the Constitutional Court on the Presidential election case be delayed to allow for a pending appeal case, for which they have also both filed notice.

Speaker of Parliament, Catherine Gotani Hara, has called for a media briefing Thursday apparently to outline how the house is going to respond to Monday orders by the Constitutional Court which was hearing the presidential election dispute.

The Malawi Congress Party-MCP-has called for what it is calling a victory rally at its’ headquarters at City Centre in the capital, Lilongwe.

The European Union says it stands ready to support Malawi “unity and democratic credentials”, following the ruling of the Constitutional Court last evening which nullified the May 21, 2019 presidential election and subsequently called for fresh election in 150 days.


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