Standard Bank - BOL to Wallet

Gabriel Kamlomo

Gabriel Kamlomo

Lilongwe Chief Resident Magistrate, Violet Chipawo, has ordered further detention of the three suspects in the sudden death of Lilongwe’ girl,  Kottana Chidyaonga.

The Malawi Congress Party and the Freedom Party have issued separate statements condemning what they call “reckless and discriminatory’ and ‘tribalistic and nepotistic’ tendencies by leaders of the Democratic Progressive Party-DPP.

Anti-Corruption Bureau Director General, Reyneck Matemba, Tuesday sought to ease the pressure for action mounted on his office following Chief Justice Andrew Nyirenda’s report of alleged attempts, by two citizens, to corrupt Concourt judges.

The Anti-Corruption Bureau-ACB-has received a complaint that sympathizers of the Democratic Progressive Party-DPP-have made attempts to bribe the five High court judges now sitting, putting together the verdict of the presidential election case.

DPP, MCP Box on Christmas Day

President Peter Mutharika and Malawi Congress Party-MCP President, Dr Lazarus Chakwera, have issued Christmas messages which, critics argue, have only been pounced on as opportunity for the two to affirm their political stand-points in the current stale-mate and make distinct their political differences ahead of the presidential election case verdict.

MET Warns of Brief Dry Spell

The Department of Climate Change and Meteorological Services has warned that most parts of the country will be hit by dry spells this week.

Malawi Catholic bishops say as citizens await the court ruling on the presidential election case, the country faces serious threats to peace and unity.

Constitutional Court is hearing proceedings with an empty public gallery after judge Ivy Kamanga ordered people sitting in the gallery hearing the presidential election case to go out because they were interrupting proceedings.

In the constitutional court in Lilongwe this morning, Malawi Electoral Commission CEO, Sam Alfandika, continues to testify in the presidential election case.

An accountability and transparency organization says it will embark on an exercise to follow how public funds were used in projects and programs funded by international bodies.


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Lucius Banda's Death a Big Blow to UTM

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German Ambassador Leads Blood Drive Amid Malawi's Critical Shortage

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