Online Journalist

Online Journalist

Chief Resident Magistrate Madalitso Chimwaza has adjourned hearing of the extradition case involving Prophet Shepherd Bushiri and his wife Prophetess Mary to 10 July 2023.

Reports indicated the 2023 Junior Certificate of Education - JCE Examinations started on a positive note this morning across the country with 176, 341 students taking part.

Lazarus Dr Chakwera has said increasing private sector productivity is the only way to make Malawi a middle-income economy that empowers Malawians to be self-reliant.

Senior Group Village Head Mnembe of the area of Traditional Authority Mbenje in Nsanje district says seven bodies have been recovered following the Monday tragic boat accident.

The government has expressed its deep sorrow over a tragic marine accident that occurred at the Phokera dock in the area of Senior Chief Mbenje, Nsanje.

President Lazarus Chakwera has advised Malawians to emulate what he says was a fighting spirit that former president Dr. Hastings Kamuzu Banda had in fighting for freedom and the independence that Malawians enjoy now.

Minister of Education Madalitso Kambauwa Wirima has said the ministry is impressed with the ongoing Primary School Leaving Certificate Examinations (PSLCE) taking place across the country from Wednesday to Friday this week.

The Chief Resident Magistrate’s Court in Lilongwe has set 19 May, 2023 for mention in vice President Saulos Chilima’s corruption trial.

GENEVA (18 April 2023) - UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Volker Türk today called for an immediate cessation to hostilities in Sudan and pleaded with the Sudan Armed Forces and Rapid Support Forces to return to the negotiating table.

Lilongwe Principal Resident Magistrate Court has convicted and sentenced 24-year-old Yamikani Mkuluwika to seven years in prison for making fake banknotes.


Malawians who Abandoned Israeli Farms Deported

The Malawi government says Israel has deported 12 Malawian workers…

Last Witness Testifies in Matemba’s Case

The Anti-Corruption Bureau (ACB) has finished parading witnesses in the…

Owaganizira Kupha Awamanga

Apolisi amanga abambo atatu - a Gift Banda a zaka…

Court Adjourns Chisale’s Case

Principal Resident Magistrate Rodrick Michongwe has adjourned to a later…

NBS Yawonjezera Makobili a Chikho

Bank ya NBS lero yalengeza kuti yakweza ndalama zomwe imapereka…
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