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Online Journalist

Online Journalist

Over 80, 000 new households are expected to benefit from the Lilongwe City Substations Improvement Project currently underway, co-financed by the Japanese and Malawi governments, a development the ministry of energy says will enhance social economic development in the country.

The country’s rail transport operator, Nacala Logistics has announced resumption of passenger train between Balaka and Limbe in Blantyre this Friday, after an indefinite suspension in March this year.

President Lazarus Chakwera says the potential value of Malawi’s Carbon Credit (MCC) is estimated at 19, 882, 394.93 metric tons of carbon per annum, valued at over MK600 which is equivalent to (USD600 million) per annum.

Cycling Federation of Malawi has called for financial aid from public and private sector in order to fulfill their efforts incapacity building and to fend off outstanding balances with Union Cycliste Internationale (UCI).

The district council for in Chiradzulu has taken parliamentarians in the district to task for absenting themselves from attending full council deliberations without giving adequate excuses.

Homeland security says it suspects that at least 50 war crime suspects from Rwanda and Burundi are residing in Malawi and a man-hunt is underway.

The top manager for Salima Sugar Company has been arrested on suspicion he was laundering money.

The industrial relations court in Blantyre has set July 14 as the day which the pension case will be heard.

President Lazarus Chakwera has removed Senior Chief Kalumo of Ntchisi from his position for allegedly failing to discharge his duties.

Police have arrested a 26-year-old man identified as Innocent Kananji for allegedly creating a fake Facebook account bearing the name and photo of the Inspector General of the Malawi Police Service Meryln Yolamu.


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German Ambassador Leads Blood Drive Amid Malawi's Critical Shortage

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