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Online Journalist

BLANTYRE, Malawi - The government of Malawi through the National Malaria Control Program (NMCP) is expected to embark on a free mass mosquito net distribution exercise in all the districts in the country in October and November this year, writes Elita Nkalo of AfricaBrief.

SULOM Cautious on Awards

The Super League of Malawi-SULOM has downplayed fears that players from teams with huge fan base, will have an advantage in individual awards for the just-ended campaign.

The ministry of health says it has strengthened collaboration with their Zambian to prevent the further spread of cholera which has caused havoc in that country.

A recent global report by OXFAM on inequality shows that the inequality gap between the rich and the poor I African countries is still huge, Malawi included.

Mangochi, January 11, Mana: Minister of Lands, Deus Gumba has commissioned a research vessel on Lake Malawi which will be used for scanning resources that are found below the surface of water including generating maps for navigation of ships that sail on the lake.

Human rights activist Bon Kalindo will remain in police custody until December 15, 2023, when a magistrate in Mangochi will make a ruling on his bail application.

Blantyre – November 25: Hundreds of people will converge at the National Hockey Stadium for the final day of the African Cup for Club Champions but amidst all the big-game festivities will be modest Bible-based displays. 

Civil society organisations in Zomba are planning the next steps following violence and alleged police violent crushing of yesterday's demonstration.

South African Airways (SAA) says it will suspend flights between Malawi and South Africa due to what its chief executive, John Lamola, attributes to the ongoing economic challenges in Malawi.

In the world of sports, particularly in football, it has been many years since Malawi has won an International Cup. So, bagging the grand prize was an unexpected gift to the warm heart of Africa. Winning the Hollywood Bets Cosafa has brought about a great sense of pride and inspiration in the hearts of the people of Malawi.


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