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Vanani Nyirenda

Vanani Nyirenda

Communities around Inkosi Mzikubola in Mzimba have accused the government of deliberately delaying the installation of Masabani Jere as Inkosi Mzikubola IV, despite the resolution of court cases that had overshadowed the throne.

Civil Society Organization Nutrition Alliance (CSONA) says the declining trend in funding towards nutrition in the national budget casts doubts on the government's commitment to reduce malnutrition in the country.

It is an undisputable fact that education is a catalyst for socioeconomic development in all aspects of life. But much as education is touted as the key to empowerment and future self reliance, some children are unfortunate enough. They are denied such opportunity due to multiple factors.

Some of them languish in homes, with there future so bleak and blurred, with no ray of hope.

The Ministry of Agriculture through it's Mega Farm Unit says it will support 200 commercial farmers in the country to enable them venture into large-scale irrigation farming starting from June this year.

Action Aid Malawi says government's insatiable appetite for borrowing has a negative impact on investments that can empower women in the country.

Adolescent girls and young women in Mzimba south have complained of a lack of privacy and confidentiality at health facilities which they say compromises their access to ARVs and sexual reproductive health services.

Various stakeholders engaged in the protection of forest reserves in Mzimba have been drilled on how courts operate in the prosecution of offenders who have committed forest-related crimes.

Mzimba South district social welfare office has urged parents to closely monitor their children's use of cyber spaces to ensure that they are not prone to online abuse.

The Ministry of Labor has launched the National advocacy and communication strategy which has been described as key in the dissemination of messages and measures aimed at fighting child labor in the country.

A grouping calling itself Hora Road Construction initiators in Mzimba Hora Constituency have mobilised themselves to embark on rehabilitation of 24 kilometers earth road from Ngomiyawo to Mtantha turnoff to ease mobility challenges to health facilities surrounding the area.


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