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Sam Banda

Sam Banda

The Northern Region Football Association-NRFA has secured a two million Kwacha sponsorship from Innobuild Investment for teams based in Mzuzu as well as Mzimba and Rumphi districts.

Flames’ Head Coach Meck Mwase has been offered a new one-year performance-based contract, effective 02nd February this year and runs up to 01st February next year.

Flames’ Head Coach Meck Mwase says he has a young and energetic squad capable of qualifying for the FIFA World Cup finals in Qatar in 2022, at the expense of Cameroon and Ivory Coast.

Government has reversed its earlier plan to hire two deputy coaches for the Flames and instead it has given back the authority to the Football Association of Malawi-FAM.

Football Players Association General Secretary Ernest Mangani has told Zodiak Online that enforcing the implementation of medical schemes and insurance for Super League players has not been effective due to teams’ reluctance to let their players register with the association.

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