Standard Bank - BOL to Wallet

Beston Luka

Beston Luka

Nampota Laid to Rest

Archbishop of the Roman Catholic Blantyre Archdiocese, Thomas Luke Msusa, has called on lawyers and judges to continue striving to uphold truth and constitutionalism in the country.

A preliminary annual assessment report has indicated that 78 percent of the Listed Public Officers (LPOs) have declared their assets, with the low grade officers as the most defaulters.

The All African Conference of Churches (AACC) has expressed concerns that the Minister of Finance is yet to account for the country’s K6. 3 trillion accumulated debts; explaining how they were taken and used, four months after the revelations.

A day after Zodiak carried a story on Affordable Inputs Programme (AIP) mess involving chiefs and vendors at Goliati selling point in Thyolo, agriculture authorities have busted the syndicate and forced Village Headman Naphiyo 2 to return K200, 000 he allegedly solicited from beneficiaries.

Vendors at Goliati market in Thyolo are boycotting paying daily fees from Monday this week to force the district council to collect refuse which they claim have piled up since 2017.

Hope to harvest bumper yields this year is slowly diminishing for scores of smallholder farmers in four traditional authorities in Thyolo as some claim to have been going to Goliati selling point for three weeks now without redeeming fertiliser under the Affordable Inputs Programme (AIP).

Government says it will from June 2023 commence construction of 10 multi-purpose dams and 20 rainwater harvesting structures for flood control, irrigation, water supply, and fishery services among others.

The Malawi Blood Transfusion Services (MBTS) says it requires 10,000 units of blood monthly for the hospitals to help  accident survivors, expectant mothers and children during this festive and rainfall seasons.

An assessment by the Thyolo District Council indicates that at least 554 families need food, seeds and roofing materials following the damage caused by strong winds and heavy rains this December.

The socio-economic wellbeing of 84, 000 households in Mulanje and Thyolo is said to have improved through a five-year 'Kulima Better Project' implemented by the Self-Help Africa.


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