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Low Funding Threatens Malawi’s Gains in Family Planning

Malawi and several other countries have set a target to increase access to the modern contraceptive from 48% to 60% by 2030.This follows the launch of the FP2030 Family Planning Measurement Report for 2023 which shows significant achievements in family planning across the globe, even in the face of what has been described as stagnant funding.

Stigma & Discrimination: A Thorn in Life of People With Disabilities

It is an undisputable fact that education is a catalyst for socioeconomic development in all aspects of life. But much as education is touted as the key to empowerment and future self reliance, some children are unfortunate enough. They are denied such opportunity due to multiple factors.

Some of them languish in homes, with there future so bleak and blurred, with no ray of hope.

Citizens and Corruption: The Role

For years, Malawians have decried the loss of tax-payer’s money to mismanagement or absolute corruption by public officials.

From village level to councils to the central government, funds grow wings and just disappear in thin air, which all boils down to one thing, corruption.

The problem at times is where the citizens say they do not know what amounts to corruption, which some feel that relevant authorities should have made a deliberate effort to sensitize them on what defines corruption.

The Youth and Corruption Fight

Corruption has been a parasite that has been eating too much into the country’s governance system for years in Malawi, a concern that seems to be a tall order to address.

It has found its way into both the public and private sector and among all ages in the society, that is including the youthful population in the country.

Encroachers Mount Pressure on Michiru and Lengwe Reserves

Encroachers are increasingly becoming arrogant. Our visit at Michiru Nature Sanctuary in Blantyre a few days ago revealed a worrisome trend.

People from surrounding areas, especially those from Mdala village, are fearlessly entering the protected area in groups of 30 to 50 people on almost a daily basis to plunder its resources.

One officer here told us that the people have resorted to moving in groups for them to easily overpower law enforcement personnel. While there, we noticed the merciless and numerous scars of wanton cutting down of trees.

Electronic TB Treatment Management System Brings Hope to Patients

Tuberculosis (TB) is one of the dangerous diseases in Malawi that kills many people, especially when one delays to start treatment. However, you cannot start treatment without knowing the results of your test. The longer it takes to get the results, the longer it takes for one start treatment.

For years, patients, particularly, those living in remote areas have been struggling to get TB results in good time due to long distances to hospital.

To address the challenge, an TB eHealth System was introduced in Malawi to improve care and support for TB patients.

Rheumatic Heart Disease: A Monster Among Malawian Children

Rheumatic Heart Disease is when rheumatic fever permanently damages heart valves in a person.

Children who get repeated strep-throat infections and rheumatic fever are the most at risk to be diagnosed with this heart condition.

In our special report, Zuleika Nanguwo, takes us through the challenges children with Rheumatic Heart Disease face in the quest to access expensive-government sponsored treatment abroad.

Chambo Restoration on Course in Lake Malawi

Until the 1980s, chambo fish was among the top prides of Malawi. Tourists could not afford to leave the country without tasting the delicious chambo. But alas! The fish declined in numbers and there are many reasons for this. Illegal fishing is one of them.

People have been catching fish without following the fisheries laws and regulations and enforcement of the law has been a serious problem.

Threatened with the depleting numbers of chambo in the lake, the Department of Fisheries under the Ministry of Agriculture facilitated the establishment of local fisheries conservation structures called Beach Village Committees (BVCs) along Lake Malawi.

6 Years To 2030 - Water Quality Still a Challenge In Malawi

As nations of the world work to meet the United Nations 2030 deadline on provision of safe and potable water to citizens, in Malawi, it is becoming increasingly clear that the goal may not be met on time.

While water and sanitation infrastructure is already inadequate to provide quality water, the effects of natural disasters such as storms and cyclones have worsened the situation.

With six years to 2030, millions of Malawians, especially in the Southern region, are still drawing water from unprotected sources. And, in some cases, even sources that should ordinarily provide quality water are not because the infrastructure is damaged and taking contaminated water to the people.

The Young Fishers of Nkhotakota’s Chauma Island

There is a government-owned primary school on an island in Nkhotakota District in Central Malawi which is at the risk of closure due to low enrollment. Why? Parents here choose to send their children to do fishing activities on Lake Malawi rather than go to school!

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