Standard Bank - BOL to Wallet

PRISAM, Maranatha Bail Out Samson

Maranatha Academy, on request from the Private Schools Association of Malawi (PRISAM), has offered a full scholarship to Samson Phiri to further his study at the Academy.

PRISAM Ushers in New Leaders

The Private Schools Association of Malawi (PRISAM) has elected new leaders to lead the Association at an elective conference held on Sunday at Mponela in Dowa.

MSCE Results Out: PRISAM Commends Timely Release

The Malawi National Examination Board (MANEB) in conjunction with the Ministry of Education has released the 2022 Malawi School Certificate of Education (MSCE) examination results.

PRISAM Expands Base

The Private Schools Association of Malawi (PRISAM) has launched its chapter in Lilongwe with a call for schools to join and benefit from it.

PRISAM Partners Higher Learning Institutions on Training

The Private Schools Association of Malawi (PRISAM) has partnered with Domasi College of Education (DCE) and DMI University to train teachers.

PRISAM Impressed With Management of MSCE Exams

The Private Schools Association of Malawi (PRISAM) has expressed satisfaction over the management of this year Malawi School certificate of Education (MSCE) examinations.

Educationist Worried with Division Among Education Bodies

A Prominent Education activist has cautioned that the division that has rocked the public and private related education organizations has the potential for political elites to manipulate and weaken their operations in the country.


Unknown Man Shoots Himself Dead at Chitipi

Last night a man has shot himself dead at Chitipi…

Churches Urged to Pray For Piece Ahead of 2025 Elections

Churches have been urged to pray for the nation and…

High Import Tax Humpering Progress of Digital Malawi Project

BengolNet, a contractor in the Digital Malawi project has bemoaned…

Lucius Banda's Death a Big Blow to UTM

The UTM party has described the death of Musician- cum…

German Ambassador Leads Blood Drive Amid Malawi's Critical Shortage

The German ambassador to Malawi says the persistent shortage of…
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