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Mutharika Lambasts Opposition Parties for Circulating Lies over his Health

President Peter Mutharika has accused opposition parties of faking his illness with others spreading rumours that he had died as the country is preparing for presidential polls scheduled for 21 May, 2019.

DPP Top Director of Operations Quits

Opposition Democratic Progressive Party National Director of Operations, Reverend Mwai Kamuyambeni says he has quit the position and the party with immediate effect.

But Kamuyambeni, a former legislator for Ntcheu West constituency, refused to discuss his next destination as a politician.

“I am thankful to President Peter Mutharika for giving me an opportunity to learn politics in the DPP.

“It is now time for me to move on and use what I have learnt to serve people of Malawi in another capacity.

“I shall be disclosing where I will be next in the next few days,” he said.

In the meantime, DPP spokesperson, Brown Mpinganjira says he does not immediately have a comment on the development as he was yet to see the official communication.

Since the loss Mutharika suffered at the June fresh presidential election, senior members of the party have been jumping ship to the opposition UTM, MCP and Aford.

This is coming at a time a leadership fight is emerging in the party with calls for an elective convention.

DPP vice president for the South Kondwani Nankhumwa and the party vice president for the centre, Uladi Mussa, are said to be the interested prospective party presidency contenders.

HRDC Join Protests for Judicial Independence

The Human Rights Defenders Coalition (HRDC) has endorsed demonstrations by some lawyers aimed at forcing the Executive arm of government to respect the Judiciary following an avalanche of attacks on judges by the president and cabinet ministers.

APM Joins Campaign; Spits Venom

Presidential candidate for the governing Democratic Progressive Party (DPP), President Peter Mutharika, has joined campaign after a month since its opening.

Commentators not surprised with APM on Campaign

Commentators say it is not surprising that President Peter Mutharika has joined a campaign trail now after going missing in public for some time.

Fresh Election Not Will of People – APM

President Peter Mutharika has insisted that he won the nullified May 21, 2019 presidential election and that the fresh election is not the will of Malawians.

APM Apologizes to Churches over Police Action

President Arthur Peter Mutharika has apologized to churches in Balaka after police on Sunday chased worshipers as part of efforts against spread of Corona virus.

Mutharika Tells Confusionists to Leave DPP

President Peter Mutharika has asked some senior members that are causing confusion in the governing Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) to leave.

Mutharika Orders MDF, MPS to Stop Protesters

President Peter Mutharika has ordered the Malawi Defense Force (MDF) and the Malawi Police Services (MPS) to stop the Human Rights Defenders Coalition (HRDC) led protests from shutting down the state house.

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