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HRDC Peace, Before, During, Presidential Election Case Verdict

As the country await Constitutional Court Verdict, The vocal Human Rights Defenders Coalition has joined several stakeholders asking parties to the electoral case to respect the outcome and maintain peace thereafter.

Presidential Election Case Judgment, February 3rd, 2020: High Court Says

Registrar of the High Court and Supreme Court of Appeal in Malawi, Agnes Patemba, has announced that ruling of the constitutional court judges trying the presidential election case shall be pronounced on Monday, February 3rd, 2020.

All ConCourt Parties File Submissions

All parties to the on-going presidential election case have finally filed written submissions with the constitutional court.

Chilima’s Lawyers to Take on Chisi Today

Lawyers for UTM’s president Dr. Saulos Chilima in the case of the presidential election today start cross-examining witness for Malawi Electoral Commission Muhabi Chisi.

Last Case Witness in Presidential Poll Dispute

In the presidential elections case this afternoon, MEC's Director of IT, Muhabi Chisi, will make an elections data simulation presentation to defend MEC case in the matter.

MCP Says Not Cross-Examining Chimkango

Lawyers for Dr Lazarus Chakwera say they shall need to cross-examine Bob Chimkango, witness for President Peter Mutharika, as he doesn’t appear, to them, to know much based on his “no” responses during cross-examination by UTM lawyer,  Bright Theu.

APM witness, Lawyer Chimkango, Back in Court Today

Lawyer Bob Chimkango will be back in the witness box this morning to continue responding to questions in cross-examination as the constitutional court proceeds hearing substance of the presidential election case.

Nice Trust Launches Social Cohesion Campaign, For After Presidential election Case Court Verdict

The National Initiative for Civic Education (NICE) Trust has launched a peace building campaign aimed at preparing Malawians from all political persuasions for eventual court outcome of the presidential election case.


German Ambassador Leads Blood Drive Amid Malawi's Critical Shortage

The German ambassador to Malawi says the persistent shortage of…

Blantyre Police Engages Motorcycle Operators

Blantyre Police on Thursday engages motorcycle taxi operators in Blantyre…

MDF Calls For Patience Amidst VP Plane Crash Probe

In light of the plane crash that led to the…

Chakwera Seeks Foriegn Aid in VP Death Probe

President Lazarus Chakwera has asked development partners to assist Malawi…

Malawians who Abandoned Israeli Farms Deported

The Malawi government says Israel has deported 12 Malawian workers…
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