Standard Bank - BOL to Wallet

MDF Bemoans Wanton Cutting Down of Trees in Perekezi Forest in Mzimba

The Malawi Defense Force has expressed concern with rampant cutting down trees in Perekezi Forest Reserve saying this may lead to water problems in the future as the forest is a source of two major rivers in the district - Mzimba and South Rukuru rivers.

Sand Mine Kills 3 Boys in Mzimba

Three children from the same family have died after a heap of sand allegedly collapsed on them near Kaviyewo Primary School in the area of inkosi Mzukuzuku at a place where people mine sandy soils for construction purposes.

Mzomera Sentenced to 4 years in Jail for Abusing LDF Funds

Vocal Democratic Progressive Party Regional Governor for the North Christopher Mzomera Ngwira was on October 16 slapped with a four-year jail term for abuse of office in the use of Local Development Fund LDF meant for construction of a teacher’s house at Lukwelukwe primary school when he was Member of Parliament for Mzimba Hora. 

Community Members in Edingeni Upbeat Mobile Legal Clinics Will Reduce GBV

A consortium of three organizations - Gender Justice Unit - GJU , Women Lawyers Association and Women Judges Association of Malawi - WOJAM has rolled out mobile legal clinics aimed at sensitizing victims of gender based violence on how they can seek justice using available statutes.

COVID-19 Still Around; Don't Relax - NICE Trust

The National Initiative for Civic Education- NICE Trust has cautioned Malawians to continue observing COVID-19 prevention measures saying the disease is not yet over despite the decline in the number of new infections. 

Scabies Hit Three Districts: Mzimba Hospital Registering Most

Scabies have hit some districts in country with the situation being made worse by unavailability of drugs at most public health facilities.

Mzimba Farmers Baffled By Unexplained Deaths of Cattle

Its a double blow for farmers around Euthini and Mbalachanda extension planning areas under  Inkosi Chindi in Malawi's northern district of  Mzimba.

Angry Mzimba Residents Force Back Two Truck Loads of Admarc Maize

Angry communities and Civil Society members in Mzimba on Sunday blocked Admarc from transferring maize from their main depot in the district to other unknown destinations saying the district is also affected by the hunger situation.

Quota Vital to Achieving 50-50 Representation in Malawi - Mzimba women

Women who aspired as councilors in the last polls say unless the country adopts a quota system of putting women in decision making positions the 50-50 campaign will remain a far-fetched dream.

Fall Army Worms Attack 2,000 Hectares Mize Fields in Mzimba South

Over 2,000 hectares of maize fields have been attacked by fall army worms in two Extension Planning Areas South of Mzimba district.

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LL City Council to Punish Vendors & Customers for Street-Vending

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Apolisi Amanga Woganiziridwa Kutaya Mwana

Apolisi kwa Ngabu m'boma la Chikwawa amanga mai wa zaka…

Rising Suicide: Psychologist Blames Lack on Trust

A top psychologist has blamed the sharp rise in suicide…

Tourism Grows as Malawi Launches National Tourism Month

Minister of Tourism Vera Kamtukule says the tourism sector has…

Father Boucher Remembered for Preserving Malawian Culture

The departed Catholic priest, father Claude Boucher, has been described…
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