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News In Brief

News In Brief (885)

Three Family Members Injured in KU

Three family members have sustained serious injuries after a wall of their house fell on them at Chisiwiri Village in the area of Senior chief Lukwa in Kasungu on Friday morning.

WHO Yet to Respond to Govt Request For Additional Cholera Vaccines

Presidential Taskforce on Cholera and Covid-19 says World Health Organization (WHO) is yet to respond to a government request for at least seven million more doses of oral cholera vaccines.

Taskforce co-chairperson, Dr. Wilfred Chalamira Nkhoma, told Zodiak yesterday that at the moment, about 33 countries are experiencing cholera outbreaks hence expected to share about 38 million doses projected to be produced this year.

Malawi run out of Cholera vaccine last month.

MEC Targets 75 Percent of 10 Million Voters in 2025

The Malawi Electoral Commission says it targets having at least 75 percent of 10 million voters which the National Statistical Office estimates would be eligible to vote in 2025 general elections.

Chitipa Ward Councilors Refuse to Approve District's Budget

Ward Councillors in Chitipa yesterday refused to approve the district's 2023/2024 budget on grounds that the Council Secretariat failed to provide them with the budget documents in good time for scrutiny.

ADMARC Transporting Maize From Reserves to Depots

The Agriculture Development and Marketing Corporation (ADMARC) says it has started transporting maize from grain reserves to its depots across the country.

Govt Announces Plans to Roll Out Digital National IDs

The Ministry of homeland Security says, it is planning to introduce digital National identity cards.

Cyclone Cheneso Not A Threat to Malawi - MET

The Department of Climate Change and Meteorological Services says the country should expect reduced rainfall in the next four days as a tropical storm Cheneso will move out of the Mozambique channel to bring temporary dry spells.

Malawian Woman Dies in Indian Prison

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs has confirmed the death of a Malawian national identified as Beauty Nkhoma who died while in prison in New Delhi, India on Sunday.

MoH Runs Out of Cholera Vaccine

The Ministry of Health has disclosed that it has run out of the cholera vaccine and has called on Malawians to adhere to strict preventive measures.

Farmers Foresee Productive Tobacco Season

Tobacco farmers say they see a productive season this year because of quality leaf which they have in the fields.


Unknown Man Shoots Himself Dead at Chitipi

Last night a man has shot himself dead at Chitipi…

Churches Urged to Pray For Piece Ahead of 2025 Elections

Churches have been urged to pray for the nation and…

High Import Tax Humpering Progress of Digital Malawi Project

BengolNet, a contractor in the Digital Malawi project has bemoaned…

Lucius Banda's Death a Big Blow to UTM

The UTM party has described the death of Musician- cum…

German Ambassador Leads Blood Drive Amid Malawi's Critical Shortage

The German ambassador to Malawi says the persistent shortage of…
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