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News In Brief

News In Brief (881)

Community Rehabilitates Naisi River

Community members from Group Village Head Chopi in Zomba have started rehabilitating Naisi River to avoid destructions triggered by natural disasters like tropical cyclones.

Police Arrest 14 for Stealing Macadamia Nuts

Police in Chiradzulu have arrested 14 people for stealing macadamia nuts and have managed to recover 1,287 kilograms of the nuts from Sable Farming worth K14.5 million.

A Nankhumwa, Jeffrey ndi Ena Awachotsa mu DPP

Chipani cha DPP chachotsa m'chipanichi ena mwa akuluakulu ake monga a Kondwani Nankhumwa, a Grezelder Jeffrey, a Mark Botomani, a Nicholas Dausi ndi a Ken Msonda mwa ena.

Mvula Ipitilira

Nthambi yoona zanyengo m'dziko muno yati palibe nkhawa iliyonse ya ng’amba mwezi uno wa January. 

Rains Likely to Continue

The Department of Climate Change and Meteorological Services has ruled out any threat of dry spells hitting the country within this month.

Stray Buffalo Injures 2 in Ekwendeni

A stray buffalo is looming in communities around Ekwendeni in Mzimba North and has injured several people in the area in the past two days, according those we spoke to.

Malawi Needs Outside Help on Food - CHRR

The Centre for Human Rights and Rehabilitation (CHRR) wants government to urgently declare a food emergency for Malawi as it’s becoming increasingly clear that food shortage is worsening.

Paramount Holdings Court Case Fails to Start Again

A court case involving Paramount Holdings Limited has again failed to start at the Lilongwe Chief Resident Magistrate Court, after the state asked the court through a written notice to adjourn plea-taking proceeding.

Stambuli Dumps UDF

Clement Stambuli who was director of elections in the United Democratic Front (UDF) has resigned from his position and dumped the erstwhile governing party.

Man, 27, Dies of Electrocution in Mangochi

A 27-year-old man identified as Geoffrey Matewere has died of electrocution at a Catholic parish in Mangochi where he reportedly went to steal.


German Ambassador Leads Blood Drive Amid Malawi's Critical Shortage

The German ambassador to Malawi says the persistent shortage of…

Blantyre Police Engages Motorcycle Operators

Blantyre Police on Thursday engages motorcycle taxi operators in Blantyre…

MDF Calls For Patience Amidst VP Plane Crash Probe

In light of the plane crash that led to the…

Chakwera Seeks Foriegn Aid in VP Death Probe

President Lazarus Chakwera has asked development partners to assist Malawi…

Malawians who Abandoned Israeli Farms Deported

The Malawi government says Israel has deported 12 Malawian workers…
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