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News In Brief

News In Brief (885)

MRC Faces MK2.8 Billion Deficit to Respond to Cholera Outbreak

The Malawi Red Cross Society says it has a deficit a 2.8 billion kwacha to effectively respond to the cholera outbreak in the country as cases keep souring.

Senior Chief Kaduya Fires GVH Chabuka Over AIP Disputes

Senior Chief Kaduya has fired Group Village Headman Chabuka, on suspicion that he was soliciting money from his subjects on pretext that they will be helped to access inputs in Affordable Input Programme (AIP) selling points.

ADMARC Seeks MK400-Million Bail-Out

Agricultural Development and Marketing Corporation ADMARC officials say they need 400 million kwacha to transport maize from its reserves to depots across the country.

RBM Yet to Determine Market Value of Kwacha

The Reserve bank of Malawi (RBM) has not determined the market value of the kwacha following a forex auction on Friday.

Chibuku Products Limited Business Up by 40 Percent in 2022

Chibuku Products Limited says its business grew by 40 percent in 2022 despite the fact many companies had a bad year business wise.

Former UDF Secretary General Kennedy Makwangwala Dies

Former Secretary General for the United Democratic Front (UDF) Kennedy Makwangwala has died.

LL City Council Orders Temporary Closure of Central Poultry & Wakawaka Market

The Lilongwe City Council led by the city's mayor Richard Banda has moved in to force temporary closure of some facilities due to poor sanitation.

Govt Lifts Ban on Livestock Movement in Foot & Mouth Disease Affected Areas

The Ministry of Agriculture has lifted restrictions imposed on movement of livestock and livestock products in some districts following a decline of new cases of Foot and Mouth Disease in the country.

Parliament Hikes Accommodation Allowances for MPs

Zodiak has established that Members of Parliament have had their accommodation allowances increased from the initial 80 to 100 thousand kwacha per day following an uproar by some lawmakers that the current amount does not correspondent with the high cost of living.

Ministry Pushing for Re-turn of Civics as a Subject in School

Ministry of Civic Education and National Unity says it will commence curriculum audit next month January as it pushes for re-introduction of civics as a subject in the country’s education syllabus.


Unknown Man Shoots Himself Dead at Chitipi

Last night a man has shot himself dead at Chitipi…

Churches Urged to Pray For Piece Ahead of 2025 Elections

Churches have been urged to pray for the nation and…

High Import Tax Humpering Progress of Digital Malawi Project

BengolNet, a contractor in the Digital Malawi project has bemoaned…

Lucius Banda's Death a Big Blow to UTM

The UTM party has described the death of Musician- cum…

German Ambassador Leads Blood Drive Amid Malawi's Critical Shortage

The German ambassador to Malawi says the persistent shortage of…
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