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WVM's "Unlocking Literacy" Program to Boost Literacy

WVM's "Unlocking Literacy" Program to Boost Literacy photo by Vanani Nyirenda

Statistics from World Vision Malawi indicates that over 300 million learners in most underdeveloped countries like Malawi find challenges to attain proficiency in reading and solving simple mathematics.

Unfortunately, over 50% of learners finish their primary level education without knowing how to read simple literature globally.

The above scenario applies to the country - Malawi.

In its quest to compliment governments efforts in improving education, World Vision Malawi has embarked on programs aimed at children especially those in primary level attain their full potential in reading, writing and solving mathematics.

One of such programs, “Unlock Literacy Program” is being implemented in Khuyu Area Program in Mzimba.

The program mainly focuses on helping children improve their reading skills by mastering the sounding of words, reading fluently and improving their vocabulary.

Currently about 250 schools in Malawi are benefiting from the initiative with 16 Primary schools under Endindeni and Chizungu zone targeted.

One of the trained volunteers for the program from Vumbu Chitapa village Elvin Lowole says the unlock literacy interventions are paying dividends with learners at Chindindindi Primary School already showing improvements.

"A lot of learners were failing to read and write despite attending normal classes during school time but now with these sessions, we can see the improvement because they are able to read on their own,” said Lowole.

Parents under Khuyu AP have welcomed WVM's interventions, according to Lowole.

“At first we were having problems with parents but now everything is ok as they understand the importance of the reading camps,” said Lowole.

Ines Moyo from Muyehele Nkhoma village, a member of the mother group, says even the morals of the children have improved as they are kept busy after attending classes.

"This program is very good mostly because our children don't have the time for immoral behaviors as they are always busy learning how to master some words they were finding difficulties during their classroom work,” said Moyo.

Head teacher for Chindindindi Primary School Lastone Mnyenyembe attests to the crucial role the “Unlock Literacy” program is playing in improving reading skills among learners.

"Unlock Literacy program is very important and good for our learners because it’s like they are double learning, here at school and at home so this is working for both of us. As teachers our work has been made easy because after we teach our learners in the normal hours they go home and practice in their sessions on what they learnt so when they come back the next day, we don't find problems with them,” said Mnyenyembe.

Tryness Chisambi is in Standard 6 at Chindindindi school. She aspires to be a teacher when she grows up.

" I enjoy learning so much when am with my peers at home because we practice on difficult words without the pressure of being in a classroom where all eyes are on you,” said Tryness.

Since the inception of the “Unlock Literacy Program” in 2015, World Vision Malawi has pumped in $82000 in their Khuyu AP.

World Vision Malawi Education Technical program manager Thandeka Nkhonde says since the onset of the program in 16 schools around Khuyu AP they have registered a 5% improvement in reading among learners at primary level.

She says “the project compliments government efforts in ensuring that there is a continued learning after children knock off from school through reading camps managed remote learning by trained Reading Camp volunteers."


cy Program to Boost Literacy Levels in Malawi 

Read 3633 times

Last modified on Wednesday, 23/09/2020

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