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Aunyago Nkhoma

Aunyago Nkhoma

Teachers Union of Malawi-TUM-insists it is proceeding with a country-wide teachers’ sit-in in all public primary, secondary school teachers and Teacher Training College lecturers to force government pay December salaries to 5,000 teachers.

The Teachers Union of Malawi-TUM- has called on all teachers in public primary and secondary schools, including teacher training college lecturers to start abandoning work beginning Monday coming.

Four people have been arrested in Dowa for allegedly attempting to steal cattle in the district.

On Monday, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees-UNHCR-made available birth registration equipment to the National Registration Bureau-NRB-for the roll-out of birth registration for children of refugees in camps in Malawi.

On Sunday, Members of Chewa Heritage Foundation-CHEFO-led by chairperson, Professor George Kanyama-Phiri, made available maize flour to hunger-stricken households in Traditional Authorities Kayembe and Dzoole in Dowa district.

On Saturday in Dowa, an angry mob killed a suspected cattle rustler, a second such incident in two months in that district alone.

Alarming Road Carnage in Dowa

In the past four weeks, 13 road accidents in Dowa have claimed 10 lives.

Alarming Road Carnage in Dowa

In just under four weeks in Dowa alone, 10 people have been killed in 13 road accidents.

Police, Community Make Amends

Acting Commissioner of police for the Central Region, Avalesta Chisale, has pleaded with Malawians to desist from burning down police stations as this is paralyzing security in localities.

The puzzle over how discolored and “rotten” maize ended up in the hands of hunger-stricken people in Dowa in the on-going relief program at the weekend continues to boggle many a mind.

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