Standard Bank - BOL to Wallet

Hastings Jimani

Hastings Jimani

At least 48% of women of child bearing age in Mulanje district are not accessing contraceptives.

A reknowned motivational speaker Amos Suluma has challenged Adventist men to be economically sustainable by venturing into a diverse of entrepreneurships as they are reliable their families and the church.

UTM Secretary General and former parliamentarian for Mulanje West Constituency Patricia Kaliati on Sunday confirmed her intention to contest during the 2025 parliamentary elections in the constituency.

With three grandchildren, 63-year-old Mary Sululu from Misomali village in Mulanje district has since 2015 been a beneficiary of the Social Cash Transfer Program (SCTP). She receives K7500 per month and oftentimes, the money is paid in every two months and this means she gets K15, 000 by the end of every two months.

Shake Up at Councils

There has been a shakeup at the Ministry of Local Government and Rural Development where at least nine District Commissioners have been demoted and six others transferred to new stations.

Water wastage at Mulanje District Hospital which led to sudden increase of consumption rate from forty cubic millimeters to one hundred cubic millimeters per day has now been addressed, thanks to Eastern Produce Malawi (EPM) Limited, a tea growing company that has overhauled the whole water system at the facility.

Authorities in Blantyre Agricultural Development Division have announced a remarkable progress of banana restoration in the division despite continued resistance by some farmers to uproot disease affected plants and grow clean materials.

Ladder for Youth and Women Empowerment (LAYWE) has rolled out the Inclusive Youth Skills Development as a pilot project in Mulanje district.

Renowned veteran Malawi Congress Party (MCP) lady, Linly Mzawa has challenged the partys leadership to recognize people that stick to the party the past 26 years the party was out of government.

Education authorities in Mulanje district have disclosed that shortage of desks is one of the challenges that have hit most primary schools in the district.

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