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JASS Calls for vigilance in HIV/AIDS Fight in Neno

Women under the banner Justice Associates has called on its members to stand film and fight HIV alongside Covid-19.

Home Instruction: keeping the learning spirit in learners

14-year-old Joyce Ngoma dreams of becoming a medical doctor when she grows up.

Joyce a standard 6 learner at Lwanjazi primary school felt her dreams had been shattered when government announced the closure of schools to curb the spread of the novel Corona virus.

WVM's "Unlocking Literacy" Program to Boost Literacy

Statistics from World Vision Malawi indicates that over 300 million learners in most underdeveloped countries like Malawi find challenges to attain proficiency in reading and solving simple mathematics.

For Neno, Fresh Elections Are About a Road

Four weeks after Malawi Election Commission (MEC) launched the campaign period for the fresh presidential poll on May 2, Malawians have already been fed with many promises from the three political parties contesting in the coming elections.

Mother Scalds Son,16, in Ntcheu

Police in Ntcheu have today arrested a 36 year old woman, for allegedly scalding her 16 year old son.

ConCourt Friends Differ Asking for Upheld Constitution

Friends of court in the historic presidential election case Thursday morning made their oral submissions, with a call for to the constitutional court to make its determination based on whether all electoral laws were adhered to in the May 21 polls.

Husband Kills Wife Over Green Maize

A husband in Dowa is at large after he allegedly killed his wife for selling the family's green maize without her husband's knowledge.

Stormy Rains; Over 25 Karonga Families Homeless

At least 26 families have been rendered homeless in Karonga district following heavy rains that destroyed houses yesterday.

Abandon Dangerous Posts: Body Tells Nurse-Midwives

The National Organization of Nurses and Midwives in Malawi says its’ fact finding exercise has established that a recent attack on the nursing officer, Chriford Semu, was unfounded and unwarranted as he attended to the expectant woman, in subject, within his scope of practice.

Freedom March: Malawi Demands Protection of Rights

The Human Rights Defenders Coalition (HRDC) yesterday held a Freedom March in Lilongwe to mark this year’s World Human Rights Day, leading Malawians to demand for the protection of their rights.

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