Standard Bank - BOL to Wallet

Hastings Jimani

Hastings Jimani

The District Forestry Officer in Mulanje has reported that close to 500 hectares at Chambe Basin on Mulanje Mountain Biosphere Reserve (MMBR) have been affected by invasive species.

Delegates at a half day conference aimed at addressing illegal charcoal production in Mulanje Mountain Forest Reserve on Wednesday noted some gaps in the new Forest Act.

The District Health Office in Mulanje says it has resumed its mobile clinic services to areas that were heavily hit by Cyclone Freddy and are currently impassable.

The Advancing Girls Education in Africa (AGE Africa) has challenged girls to think of a diverse of entrepreneurship while at school as white color jobs are scarce in Malawi.

Deputy Commissioner of Police for the South East Region Stain Bamusi Chaima says Muloza police post in Mulanje is currently operating at 75% following its extensive damage by the Tropical Cyclone Freddy in March this year.

At least six older persons who lost their houses in Thyolo district during the Cyclone Freddy disaster can now afford a smile after the Helping Hands Orphanage constructed decent houses for them.

A carbon trade company-Carbon Quest Capital says unless emission of carbon is reduced through planting and conservation of trees and using energy saver stoves, poor countries like Malawi will continue experiencing effects of climate change like the recent Tropical Cyclone Freddy disaster.

Barely a month after Friends of Mulanje (FOM) distributed relief items to Cyclone Freddy survivors at Nanchidwa camp at the foot on Mulanje Mountain, the grouping on Saturday visited Katuma camp Traditional Authority Nkanda.
The Churches Action in Relief and Development (CARD) on Wednesday phased out its social cash transfer project dubbed “Tropical Storm Ana Malawi Resilience and Recovery” in Mulanje district.
For two years now, the laboratory section at Mulanje district hospital has been operating without the water distiller after the one which was available at the facility got damaged.
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