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Vanani Nyirenda

Vanani Nyirenda

Some ward councilors under Mmbelwa District Council claim they are being sidelined in the implementation of development projects that fall under the district development fund and the constituency development fund in Mzimba.

Women who aspired as councilors in the last polls say unless the country adopts a quota system of putting women in decision making positions the 50-50 campaign will remain a far-fetched dream.

Technical Entrepreneurial and Vocational Education and Training Authority - TEVET says insufficient resources are a set-back to meeting growing demand from youths requiring various skills in the wake of high unemployment rate in the country .

Over 2,000 hectares of maize fields have been attacked by fall army worms in two Extension Planning Areas South of Mzimba district.

Malawi Police Professional Standards Unit has moved in to investigate allegations that some officers at Mzimba police station beat-up an under - aged girl inducing an abortion in the process.

Embangweni Mission Hospital in Mzimba, will now wear a new face following renovations which are underway to reduce some of the challenges faced by the facility owned by the CCAP Synod of Livingstonia health department.

Three form four girls have been expelled at Kanjuchi Community Day Secondary School in Mzimba over allegations that they may have been practicing witchcraft.

The National Initiative for Civic Education Trust is demanding of journalists nothing but ethical execution of their work away from reporting that has potential to incite violence ahead of pronouncement of the verdict in the presidential election case by the five-member panel of constitutional court judges.

In its quest to compliment government efforts aimed at reducing challenges that weigh down the education sector, World Vision Malawi has handed over a K60 million girls hostel at Chindindi Community Day Secondary school in Mzimba South.

Teachers who were not paid December 2019 salaries on account of failure to submit national identity cards as now required in Malawi, have stopped teaching in a demonstration of frustration at the development.

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