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Beston Luka

Beston Luka

The recent 2021/2022 Potable and Safe Water Accessibility Index by mWater database, a water, sanitation and health data management tool, shows that in two year, Thyolo district has increased accessibility to 79 percent for its 747,000 population.

Malawi Human Rights Commission (MHRC) says report on what caused the death of two people at Bvumbwe in Thyolo district where irate communities also set alight the Police Unit will be out this month.

Teachers in remote areas of the country should wait until at least December this year to start accessing increased school attached hardship allowance announced last year.

Thyolo Magistrate Court on Thursday sentenced a 38-year old witchdoctor Emmanuel Koloti to 10 months imprisonment for indecent assault.

Government has been tipped to assist livestock beneficiaries of Affordable Inputs Programme (AIP) with extension services and food to prevent them from selling.

Farmers Union of Malawi (FUM) President Frighton Njolomole says the Union expects government to act with speed in protecting farmers from unscrupulous vendors who have flooded the markets buying agricultural produce below the set farm gate prices.

Farmers Union of Malawi (FUM) President Frighton Njolomole says the Union expects government to act with speed in protecting farmers from unscrupulous vendors who have flooded the markets buying agricultural produce below the set farm gate prices.

In Thyolo on Friday, four men were sent to prison to serve a 77 years cumulative jail term for defiling minors in separate occasions.

Drama in PLO Leadership

The Registered Trustees of Peoples Land Organization (PLO) has written President Lazarus Chakwera of its intention to withdraw the 2016 declaration of Thyolo and Mulanje (MUST) as a sovereign state.

Thyolo District Commissioner Douglas Moffat said the council has written the Inspector General of Police to consider bringing back Bvumbwe and Nansadi Policing areas to Thyolo district council on the basis they are compromising security in the district.

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