Standard Bank - BOL to Wallet

Cyclone Ana Halts CEAR Operations

Nacala Logistics has suspended its operations pending assessment that will be conducted because of Cyclone Ana which is still rearing its ugly face in the country.

Dep Minister Impressed with Shire North Railway Bridge

Deputy minister of transport, Nancy Mdooko, says she is impressed with construction of a railway bridge at Shire North in Balaka which has been completed and is now operational.

Rehabilitation of Limbe-Sandama Railway Resumes

Rehabilitation of Limbe-Sandama railway line has resumed five months after works were suspended due to COVID-19.

Communnity Blames CEAR of Breach of CSR Agreement

Stakeholders have taken Central East African Railways (CEAR) and Vale Logistics Limited to task for alleged failure to fulfill corporate social responsibility.

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