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Alinafe Mlamba

Alinafe Mlamba

ICT experts have expressed different opinions on the need to foster innovations in the country, by among other things owning social media sites.

Economic governance experts have expressed concern with the recent findings by the National Statistical Office on poverty reduction which indicate that poverty levels in urban areas have increased and there is a decline of poverty in rural areas.

Soldiers from the Malawi Defense Force in Lilongwe yesterday conducted vehicle routine tests, for the United Nations branded vehicles which the soldiers use.

A group of people holding diplomas in law argues that the decision by the Malawi Law Society to contest a proposal by the Legal Aid Bureau for increased legal protection for the poor and vulnerable is intended to stand in the way of access to justice for the poor.

The parliamentary committee on agriculture insists that it still needs to meet President Dr. Lazarus Chakwera on challenges rocking the country’s agriculture sector.

United Nations Resident Coordinator Maria Jose Torres says there is a need for Malawi to seriously implement its sustainable development goals frameworks if the country is to achieve social protection systems for the sustainable development goals.

Homeland security Minister Richard Chimwendo Banda has directed the National Registration Bureau to allow the use of expired national identity cards in a bid to allow farmers access Affordable Farm Inputs under the AIP.

The Malawi electoral commission has refused to pay Nkhatabay Central Parliamentarian Symon Vuwa Kaunda 600 million kwacha compensation, which he demanded in August for the suffering he endured for going to the polls twice.

The Malawi Economic Justice Network has faulted authorities in Salima and Nsanje for flaunting procurement procedures in awarding development projects.

Amid concerns surrounding the health sector which include shortage of drugs against the recommended population, Statehouse Director of Communications Sean Kampondeni says the ministry of health is investigating the matter so as to address the challenges.

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