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Mob Justice Goes Pretty Wrong: Presumed Dead Man Resurfaces

Some day in October three years ago, three friends were happily enjoying a drink.

On the Expensive Queue: Struggles of Cancer Patients in Malawi

Aside from the excruciating pain they have to deal with, they live in a country where there is no specialized treatment for the condition.

Hundreds of cancer patients in Malawi are travelling abroad in search of treatment, in the process the cash-strapped government spend in excess of US2 million annually. On the other hand, individuals that cannot be included on the state list spend in excess of K30 million.

Decades of Learning at Unique Namikombe Community School in Thyolo

There is a unique school in Thyolo on the border with Chikwawa district.

It is an informal primary school established by villagers because formal schools are miles away and inaccessible. Over 490 children attend this school which has one teacher. A volunteer village teacher.

He has to teach 13 subjects in a day in four classes. Apart from there being inadequate teachers, there is no infrastructure, ablutions; and teaching and learning aides. But where is government in all this?

People and Goods Packed Alike: Risky Journeys of Rurban Malawi

In some parts of Malawi, apart from minibuses, small cars are used as commuter vehicles, but the problem is that the operators usually exceed the limit number for passengers and the cargo capacity in order to increase profits.

Our reporter, Suwira Wanda, finds that corruption between the police and the operators of these vehicles is rampant, leading the law enforcers to pay a blind eye to this dangerous tendency.

Suwira takes us to the lakeshore district of Salima which has a population of more than hundred thousand people where she discovers that people there seem to value the economic returns of using such vehicles over the safety of their lives.

From Kaoche Village with Six Points: The Story of Joseph Katole

When he heard on Zodiak Radio that the Ministry of Education had announced the 2023 Malawi School Certificate of Education (MSCE) examination results, Joseph Mathias Katole’s heart was pounding heavily. The thumping of the heart was out of anxiety.

Drones: New Tech Easing Transport Problems in Malawi’s Health Sector

The year 2023 will forever be a memorable year for millions of Malawians - a year that for some will remain awful and unforgettable as it left an enduring psychological trauma. Tropical Cyclone Freddy ripped through homes and smothered scores of people.

GM Maize: Possible Solution to Fall Army Worms in Malawi

Malawi’s population is about 20 million. Most of these people live in rural areas, and 97 percent of them are farmers that grow maize.

Gene Editing Solution to Reducing Losses Due to Soybean Rust

The sound of a rooster in rural Malawi is not just a signal for day break. For the majority of farmers in the country, it is a call to return to the field in a tireless effort to make ends meet. It is a reminder of how hard work leads to their daily survival.

Environmental Programs Ignored in MK3.5bn Carbon Tax Fund

It has transpired that the Treasury has not been remitting about MK3.5 billion carbon levy funds to the Ministry of Natural Resources and Climate Change for the implementation of different programs, four years since collection of the tax was introduced to increase domestic resources in environmental conservation in the country.

Killed in Matrimonial Homes

When a tragic incident in which a woman, Marieta Samuel, had her hands chopped off by an abusive husband happened 17 years ago in Dowa district, all quarters of society strongly condemned the criminal act.

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