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Online Journalist

Online Journalist

The Malawi Human Rights Commission says police who were deployed to quell unrest at Msundwe in Lilongwe on 8 October were not properly prepared for the task which led to failure to withstand pressure from angry people, subsequently leading to death Superintendent Usuman Imedi.

A non-governmental organization Find Your Feet in partnership with World Food Programme and Balaka district council has embarked on a project aimed at building community resilience for sustained food production and improved livelihoods.
Farmers in Salima are worried about a fresh outbreak of African Armyworms that are eating away maize fields in some cases completely destroying crops.

River Drowns Sozzled Teacher

The body of a teacher aged 26 was recovered from Linthipe River yesterday after he went missing for two days. It is believed he drowned.

The district commissioner in Balaka, Emanuel Bambe, has sounded an SoS for some 77 thousand households which, he says, need urgent food aid as food insecurity continues to hit hard there.
A girl who was assaulted and paraded nude in Mulanje on suspicion she was in a love affairs with a married man says she will be heading back to the courts for higher compensation after a magistrate awarded her K60,000 only with an extra K40,000 to be paid to government.
Only hours after Electricity Generation Company (EGENCO) said power generation had improved following recent rains the country, Escom says is receiving inadequate electricity due to generation hiccups.
One of pioneers who were in the vanguard of the formation of the Public Affairs Committee, Professor Silas Ncozana, has called on leaders to embrace dialogue over violence.

Kasungu in Dual Riots

Malawi Defense Force soldiers on their way to Lilongwe this morning had to intervene in a clash between citizens and their police at Nkhamenya in Kasungu.
(Jerusalem, December 17, 2019) – Israel should grant Palestinians in the West Bank rights protections at least equal to those afforded Israeli citizens, Human Rights Watch said in a report released today, citing Israel’s 52 years of occupation with no end in sight. The law of occupation permits occupiers to restrict some civil rights in the early days of an occupation based on limited security justifications, but sweeping restrictions are unjustified and unlawful after five decades.

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