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Beston Luka

Beston Luka

The Blantyre Synod Health and Development Commission believes empowering the youths on sexual and reproductive health rights is a sure way of reducing increased cases of early marriages, teen pregnancies, Gender Based Violence and suicide in Thyolo.

Some fired and Skeleton staff for ADMARC have taken a swipe at their employer for failing to settle their dues for some months including the pension money.

A tea producer, Eastern Produce Malawi (EPM) says investing in the the country’s security system, judiciary, education sector and social economic well-being of the community is a sure way of expanding the tea industry. 

The Teachers Union of Malawi (TUM) says the continued involvement of some teachers in students' examination fees mismanagement and national examinations cheating reveal lack of integrity in some of the teachers in the country.

Expectant women and guardians at Chisoka Health Center in Thyolo are sleeping in the dark and fetching water at a distance due to failure by the district health authorities to buy electricity units.

Broadcasting of advertisements relating to traditional and complementary medicines will have to seek approval from government effect 1 August 2023.

The Malawi Prison Service (MPS) believes keeping women in all-female prisons has the potential to uphold their specific social and human needs as well as allowing those with children grow into responsible citizens.

The Malawi University of Science and Technology (MUST) has been ranked as the best university in Malawi by the Times Higher Education (THE) in the Sub-Saharan Africa University Rankings in 2023.

Traditional leaders around Goliati in Thyolo have agreed to open a K400 million newly-constructed Goliati market on 4 July 2023 even without vendors that are refusing to occupy it claiming it's not ready for use.

Vendors at Goliati trading centre in Thyolo are refusing to occupy a K400 million newly-constructed market claiming it is incomplete.

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