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Beston Luka

Beston Luka

Lack of awareness and screening among most Malawians is said to be derailing efforts to fight growing cases of hypertension in the country, with a current prevalence rate standing at 16 percent.

Following a recent 25 percent devaluation of Kwacha, economists have advised the Reserve Bank of Malawi (RBM) to maintain small denominations such as K10 and K20 in the economy to facilitate business transactions.

Communities around Bvumbwe in Thyolo held a clean-up exercise at the torched police station on Thursday in readiness for the renovation of the facility amid reported criminal activities.

Thyolo is said to be trailing on efforts to create a better foundation for education and quality learners as statistics indicate that about 69 percent of children are lacking Early Childhood Education (ECD).

Angry community members in Traditional Authority Kapichi in Thyolo have demolished eight houses for the relations of a man suspected to have murdered a 70-year old Jonathan Paul.

The Evangelical Church of Malawi (ECM) has challenged the youths in Thyolo to embrace the spirit of giving the little they get to the vulnerable.

The Musicians Association of Malawi (MAM) said it expects government to engage the association on how best to nominate the outstanding artists in this year's Presidential Zikomo Awards.

A 42-year old woman Mercy Mikisoni has been arrested in Thyolo on allegations that she concealed birth.

Office of the Director of Public Officers' Declarations (ODPOD) said understaffing is a major setback affecting its efficiency in verifying and processing assets for the Listed Public Officers (LPOs).

Gender, social welfare and community development minister Patricia Kaliati, has urged traditional and religious leaders in Thyolo to sensitize their subjects on the importance of UNICEF supported Unified Beneficiary Registry (UBR) as some are linking it to satanic.

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