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Hastings Jimani

Hastings Jimani

NICE Goes Social for FPE

National Initiative for Civic Education (NICE) Trust has started sensitizing masses about the ongoing voter registration exercise in readiness for the Fresh Presidential Election (FPE) on social media.

Some ADMARC depots in the southern region where the leading grain marketer has started buying maize have run out of cash for maize purchasing forcing some farmers to return home with their produce.

Three weeks after councils submitted their COVID-19 strategic plans to Capitol Hill for financing, Department of Disaster and Management Affairs (DODMA) is yet to fund the councils.

Mayor for Luchenza Municipality, Councilor Henderson Supuni, has accused government of delayed funding to fight the spread of coronavirus in the municipality.

Director of Health and Social Services in Thyolo district, Dr. Arnold Jumbe, says reports that 10% of COVID-19 deaths involve health workers have instilled fear among health workers in the district.

Police in Mulanje have arrested a man suspected to be a cattle rustler.

A senior nurse at Mulanje District Hospital on Thursday urged police officers and Community Police Forum to observe hygiene practices to avoid coronavirus.

An agriculture organization- One Acre Fund on Thursday presented 106 cartons of soap towards COVID-19 prevention plan in Mulanje district.

Maize Price Hikes amid COVID 19

There has been a sudden jump of maize prices in some markets in Mulanje district.

Education Minister Dr. William Susuwele Banda says government cannot in anyway bow down to pressure and re-open schools for examinations amid escalating corona virus threats.


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