Standard Bank - BOL to Wallet

Hastings Jimani

Hastings Jimani

A Mulanje based forest cooperative - Muloza Forest Cooperative Limited says deforestation rate in Mulanje Mountain Forest Reserve has surpassed re-afforestation efforts.

Assessment on damages caused by fire that razed down part of old Limbuli market in Mulanje two weeks ago reveals property worthy K74.1 million was damaged by the inferno.

Construction of the new Chingoli Primary School in Mulanje is at snail’s pace with school authorities saying students are dangerously learning in damaged classes at the old school.

The newly established Malawi Institute of Construction Technicians (MICT) says the construction industry is also contributing to deforestation.

An International Agricultural funder-International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) has tipped beneficiaries of Social Cash Transfer to invest the little they are receiving in income generating activities.

Amid reports of shortage of essential medical drugs in public health facilities, Thyolo District Hospital is reported to have run out of antibiotics.

As construction of Thyolo-Makwasa-Thekerani-Muona road is in progress. Some people whose property have been affected or are to be affected by the heavy machinery have raised concern over delays by government to compensate them.

The Malawi Girl Guides Association (MAGGA) on Saturday commemorated World Thinking Day which promotes self-esteem and sharing ideas and experiences among girls.

At least 43 shops at the old Limbuli market in Mulanje district have been destroyed by fire in the wee hours of Wednesday.

Police in Mulanje on Monday arrested a 30 year old man suspected to have mobilized people to gang against Mulanje Energy Generation Company (MEGA) on accusation that it swindled close to K90 billion meant for compensation of people whose property was affected during the electrification project.


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