Standard Bank - BOL to Wallet

Hastings Jimani

Hastings Jimani

Fire has razed down a wholesale at Luchenza Municipality, destroying property worth millions of kwacha in the process.

At least 148 radio listening clubs have been established in Mulanje under nutrition scaling up projects dubbed AFIKEPO and KULIMA implemented by Government of Malawi and Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO) in the district with funding from the European Union.

An angry mob on Thursday morning set on fire a 25 year old man at Goliati Trading Centre in Thyolo District on suspicion that he stole dry maize.

Immigration department says strong measures are in place in all border posts to control issuance of visas and border pass documents in the wake of corona virus threats.

Two women have been arrested in Mulanje for allegedly trafficking a 14-year-old girl.

Scores of people whose property was allegedly destroyed during construction of Nkhonya-Thabwa road in Mulanje on Thursday petitioned the district commissioner for not being compensated.

The Ministry of Agriculture and Food Security has backed Plant Protection Officer at Muloza border post in Mulanje for failing to issue general receipts (GRs) for In-Transit permits to cross border traders in perishable produce, saying by law, the officer is not mandated to have the GRs.

The Ministry of agriculture says there is a positive response from farmers on calls from agricultural extension workers to uproot old banana plants as all are feared to have been infected with the deadly banana bunchy top and replace them with disease free banana suckers.

Mulanje Senior Resident Magistrate’s Court has adjourned to 18 March hearing of a case where a man is accused of attempting to exhume body a boy with albinism.

Minister of Local Government and Rural Development Ben Phiri on Saturday failed to facilitate a loan deal between Malawi Enterprise Development Fund (MEDEF) and Limbuli vendors who lost their property during the February 19 fire accident after the vendors insisted they will not relocate to the new market.


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