Standard Bank - BOL to Wallet

Hastings Jimani

Hastings Jimani

The Malawi Police Service (MPS) has called for extra protection of persons with albinism (PWAs) this rainy season as their security is threatened by noise caused by rains and darkness.

Kamuzu Vocational Rehabilitation and Training Centre in Chiradzulu on Wednesday graduated 153 youths from the tea growing districts of Thyolo and Mulanje in different vocational skills.

The Malawi Union of Savings and Credit Cooperatives (MUSCCO) Chapter One on Saturday handed over four toilets each at Sikoya and Mikoko primary schools in Mulanje district.

Commissioner of Police responsible for South Eastern Region Chikondi Chingadza says the region is a conduit of human trafficking as six of its seven stations are within the border with Mozambique.

Oxfam has challenged female legislators in the country to lobby for more budgetary allocations to departments and agencies that are directly involved in management of Gender Based Violence.

Maize Price Goes Higher

The price of maize continues rising as vendors are taking advantage of closure of ADMARC depots to sell the staple food to thousands of Malawians at exorbitant prices.

At least 48% of women of child bearing age in Mulanje district are not accessing contraceptives.

A reknowned motivational speaker Amos Suluma has challenged Adventist men to be economically sustainable by venturing into a diverse of entrepreneurships as they are reliable their families and the church.

UTM Secretary General and former parliamentarian for Mulanje West Constituency Patricia Kaliati on Sunday confirmed her intention to contest during the 2025 parliamentary elections in the constituency.

With three grandchildren, 63-year-old Mary Sululu from Misomali village in Mulanje district has since 2015 been a beneficiary of the Social Cash Transfer Program (SCTP). She receives K7500 per month and oftentimes, the money is paid in every two months and this means she gets K15, 000 by the end of every two months.


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