Standard Bank - BOL to Wallet

Hastings Jimani

Hastings Jimani

Authorities in Mulanje have disclosed that they are making positive strides in reducing stunting after reducing the nutrition-related disorder from 34% to below 30% in the past four years.

Amid reports of continued dropout of girls from school, it has been revealed that at least 28 girls from a form four class of 116 students at Thuchira Community Day Secondary School in Mulanje District will not write this years Malawi School Certificate of Education (MSCE) examinations after dropping out of school along the way.

A Mulanje Based NGO- Mnyamata Education says shortage of food in most households is affecting concentration of primary school learners from hunger-stricken families on their education.

Police in Phalombe have cleared mist surrounding the release on bail of Mr. ChikaikoTembo, a man suspected to have slept with his ten year old biological daughter.

It has been revealed that between 1000 and 2000 hectares of the country’s forests are damaged by wild fires annually.

The Mulanje District Health Office says it has set polio vaccination sites in all unchartered routes along the Malawi - Mozambique border during this third round of polio vaccination campaign.

The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) on Monday officially handed over a 220 kilowatts Bondo Mini Grid to the government of Malawi.

The Farmers Union of Malawi (FUM) has challenged farmers to continue working hard despite the sector facing numerous challenges.

Commissioner of Police for South East Region Chikondi Chingadza says the region is now in full operation with all sections available and vibrant and an increase of manpower at the region’s Police Mobile Service’s G-Division.

Graduated trainees for the last two cohorts at Mulanje Vocational School for the Blind have expressed worry over delays by the institution to give them their resettlement packages which they receive after graduation.


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